An Aunt’s Animal Alphabet
Let Aunt Hailey take you on a journey around the world
and meet the animals that inhabit it in An Aunt’s Animal Alphabet!
From the giant giraffe in the savanna to the friendly fish in the sea, the majestic eagle in the sky and the playful puppy in the park, this book is sure to be a hit with little ones of all ages as young readers explore different animals and each creatively drawn letter they represent.
With the vibrant illustrations that bring this captivating alphabet book to life, you and your little one will enjoy reading it again and again!

Passion Flowers in Bloom
Fruits of the contemplative life for meditation and prayer
Passion Flowers in Bloom enlivens a love for our Lord through charming illustrations and touching poetry. Cultivating an eye for seeing God in the little things, Hailey Hall invites us into humble contemplation. Adults will find this collection a valuable tool for meditation. This little volume also can assist teachers and parents in helping children appreciate the gift of a religious life rooted in the Passion of Christ. Like dainty blossoms, Hailey’s simple imagery expresses profound truth and beauty that calls us to deeper faith.
To learn more about this book, listen to the foreword by the author in the following video:
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